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(Behavior: add behavioral model)
m (Behavior: forgot to invert when switching from boolean logic to binary logic)
Line 241: Line 241:
-- write
-- write
if (rising_edge(not RD_N_int and WR_N_int and ram_cs_n)) then
if (rising_edge(not RD_N_int or WR_N_int or ram_cs_n)) then
ram(to_integer(unsigned(A_int))) <= D;
ram(to_integer(unsigned(A_int))) <= D;

Revision as of 13:25, 2 August 2015

Nintendo's MBC2 can be used to address up to 2 Mbit of ROM and 512×4 bit of internal RAM.


MBC2 Pinout.png
Pin No. Name Type Comment
28 VCC PWR I/O 5V supply
14 GND PWR I/O Ground supply
21 VCC_RAM PWR RAM supply
7 GND_RAM PWR RAM Ground supply
12Template:Ndash9 D3Template:NdashD0 I/O Data Bus
1 RD I Low-Active Read Enable
27 WR I Low-Active Write Enable
26 CS I Low-Active Chip Select
15 RESET I Low-Active Asynchronous Reset
20, 22Template:Ndash25, 8, 6Template:Ndash2 A15Template:NdashA14, A8Template:NdashA0 I Address Bus
16Template:Ndash19 RA17Template:NdashRA14 O Upper ROM Address Lines
13 ROM_CS O Low-Active ROM Chip Select

Footprint: SOP127P1200X225-24

Remarks: All I/O pins are protected via diodes to VCC/GND. VCC and VCC_RAM both supply RAM -- probably depending on VCC voltage.


Write-Accessible Registers:

  • 0b00-- ---0 ---- ----: RAM Enable register
  • 0b00-- ---1 ---- ----: ROM Bank register
  • 0b10-- ---a aaaa aaaa: Internal RAM

RAM Enable Register

XX XX XX XX D3 D2 D1 D0    0x00 @ reset
                 \-------- RAM Enable

A value of 0x0A enables RAM access, all other values disable RAM access.

ROM Bank Register

XX XX XX XX D3 D2 D1 D0    0x00 @ reset
                 \-------- ROM Bank

ROM Bank selects which bank is mapped to 0x4000-0x7FFF. The written value is zero-adjusted before output on RA17Template:NdashRA14.


library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity MBC2 is
		RESET_N  : in    std_logic;
		RD_N     : in    std_logic;
		WR_N     : in    std_logic;
		CS_N     : in    std_logic;
		A_HI     : in    std_logic_vector(15 downto 14);
		A        : in    std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
		D        : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
		RA       : out   std_logic_vector(17 downto 14);
		ROM_CS_N : out   std_logic;
end entity MBC2;

architecture Behavioral of MBC2 is

type ram_type is array(natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

signal ram : ram_type(0 to 511);

signal ram_enable_r : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal rom_bank_r   : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

signal ram_enable_r_clk : std_logic;
signal rom_bank_r_clk   : std_logic;

signal ram_cs_n : std_logic;

signal A_HI_int : std_logic_vector(A_HI'range);
signal A_int    : std_logic_vector(A'range);

signal RD_N_int : std_logic;
signal WR_N_int : std_logic;
signal CS_N_int : std_logic;


-- Signal Assignments

A_HI_int <= A_HI and RESET_N;
A_int    <= A    and RESET_N;
RD_N_int <= RD_N and RESET_N;
WR_N_int <= WR_N and RESET_N;
CS_N_int <= CS_N and RESET_N;

ROM_CS_N <= '0' when (A_HI_int(15) = '0' and RD_N_int = '0') else

ram_cs_n <= '0' when ((CS_N_int = '0' and A_HI_int(14) = '0' and ram_enable_r = x"A") or RESET_N = '0') else

RA <= "0000"     when (A_HI_int(14) = '0') else
      rom_bank_r when (rom_bank_r /= "0000") else

ram_enable_r_clk <= '0' when (A_HI_int = "00" and A_int(8) = '0' and WR_N_int = '0') else

rom_bank_r_clk <= '0' when (A_HI_int = "00" and A_int(8) = '1' and WR_N_int = '0') else

-- Registers

ram_enable_p : process (

	if (RESET_N = '0') then
		ram_enable_r <= x"0";
	elsif (rising_edge(ram_enable_r_clk)) then
		ram_enable_r <= D;
	end if;

end process ram_enable_p;

rom_bank_p : process (

	if (RESET_N = '0') then
		rom_bank_r <= "0000";
	elsif (rising_edge(rom_bank_r_clk)) then
		rom_bank_r <= D;
	end if;
end process rom_bank_p;

ram_p : process (

	-- default tri-state
	D <= "ZZZZ";
	-- read
	if (ram_cs_n = '0' and RD_N_int = '0' and WR_N_int /= '0') then
		-- write deasserted
		D <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(A_int)));
	elsif (ram_cs_n = '0' and RD_N_int = '0') then
		-- read and write asserted
		D <= "0000";
	end if;

	-- write
	if (rising_edge(not RD_N_int or WR_N_int or ram_cs_n)) then
		ram(to_integer(unsigned(A_int))) <= D;
	end if;

end process ram_p;

end architecture Behavioral;